Yet another Pokemon game churned out, this time for a new console. Is it any better than its predecessors?

User Rating: 8.9 | Pokemon Sapphire Version GBA
Well the obvious answer to this is yes simply because this is a tried and tested formula that is now released for the Game Boy Advance, that makes Battle Scenes and the Towns in general look much better than before.

So whats new? Well if your a Pokemon fan you will understand the basic concept of the game, if not then this is it: Basically your a Pokemon trainer who gets assigned a Pokemon and trains it to fight others so you can catch them and train them also to be better than the rest. You can have a total of six in your team at any one time.

Your aim is to fight against the 8 Gym Leaders within the area and defeat them to make your way to the Elite 4, and once they are defeated you become the Pokemon Master.

Despite the fact the game is pretty much the same on a better console I feel it has lost some of its greatness as a RPG. The game itself is aimed more towards a younger audience, which despite the myths of Pokemon being a childs game might have some ardent Pokemon fans feeling aggrieved.

The game has also done away with a lot of the older Pokemon synomonous to the older games and replaced them with some equally cute and bizarre critters. They have not completely changed every character though with Pikachu, Koffing etc still making an appearance.

A new feature to the game is a 'Tag Team' element that allows you to use to Pokemon simultaneously to fight other Pokemon tag teams. Other features is a 'Best of Show' in which your Pokemon battles it out in various events with others to try and win the Judges vote.

Despite the new added features and the 200+ Pokemon to capture it doesnt really appeal as much as it did before. Its only its vastly improved graphics that really add any substance to the genre. I think its worth buying but hopefully this will be the last in the series for quite a while.