A decent pokemon game worth the catch certain pokemon.
The game is a little more challeging then previous pokemon games. The thing is there is a ton of 2 againest 2 battles which can bog down your pokemon fairly quickly. I like that you can get almost all ruby and Sapphire pokemon in one game package like Pokemon Yellow, it just some are hard to find. I like you can collect more Gold and silver pokemon in the Pokemon Safiri. The Pokemon Batltle challege seems interesting, even though I never beaten this version yet, and hope so in the near future. This version does have some nice touchs.
The graphics are still pretty good. I like the little pokemon animations before you fight which is a nice touch like Pokemon crystal. Not the most groundbreaking, but decent.
The sound, it fairly ok, have not much problem there.
The value.. well, I am keeping this game to collect more pokemon for the upcoming Pearl and Diamond pokemon games for the DS so I would be ready for them since they seem very interesting.