Pokemon emerald is not just ruby andbsapphire put together you can also catch both kyogre and grouden at lv70 and also you are able to catch ho-oh or lugia but the hard thing is choosing which one. You also have to choose between latias and latios, but you also can catch the three regis(regice, registeel and regirock).But the best thing is you can catch mew and deoxys.There is also the new thing where there is team magma and team aqua who are both bad and they each have there own base, also wallace is the champion and his mentor is the eighth gym leader.Now you must be wondering what happened to steven, well he played his normal role in the game as R/S but when you defeat the elite 4 you will see he is not at his house and when you go there, a letter will be on his desk saying that he is intrusting you with a beldum and also you can find and battle him in meteor falls, but his pokemon strength is around lv77. The other new thing is battle frontier which has battle tower and a whole lot more. Battle frontier is run by scott the dude with the glasses who comes from nowhere. There is stil pokemon contests but they are all held in lilycove and in place of the other contest buildins in R/S are battle tents. Also in the safari zone when you defeat the elite 4 a new area will appear with johto pokemon in the level 30's. The pokemon are houndour, mareep, sunkern, aipom, gligar, miltank, hoot hoot and others which is in the grass, in the rocks north of the area are shuckle, in the water are remorad and octillory.
The Pokemon series has always did and sold well. This one is no exception. Pokemon Emerald is actually a upgrade of ruby and sapphire rather than being a totally new game. The game have almost enough upgrades to ensure a... Read Full Review
When two Pokemon games get released side by side, there is a third game released a few years later. Pokemon Emerald is the third game to go after Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire. The game uses the Hoenn region from those games... Read Full Review