The Best GBA Game I've Played Yet.

User Rating: 10 | Pocket Monsters Ruby Version GBA
Poke'mon Ruby is a new age of Poke'mon. In the past 10 years many Poke'mon games, movies, and toys have come out, keeping this phenomena going. To date on this game their are 386 Poke'mon, but only 200 are catchable and tradeable without cheat codes. (If you want to check yourself go to and hit Poke'dex.) This is the first Poke'mon game to GBA , and it doesn't show at all. Everything about this Hoeen Region (Name of the Continent which the game takes place.) is perfect. Game play, Graphics, Sound, Value; all of it is perfect. This game keeps the legend going, this game, this series, will become an ageless classic for Generations to Come. I Give this game a 10 for Perfection.