With many stages and pokémon, this game becomes an instant classic.
With all the first and fourth generation pokemons available you have pretty much all you need. The game starts off very easy, and it's actually easy until you get to the advanced mode. Then it becomes harder, and the last battle royal is extremely hard. But when you come to the EX grade things aren't as hard anymore. The dungeons are somewhat hard, but not as hard for you to lose. I really like the graphics and the gameplay, but the game.. isn't too hard.
But it is pure fun, for everyone in the family, and it sure is guaranteed fun and joy while playing. Nintendo has done a great work with the game but they have left second and third generation pokemons out. I like the fact that there is more than one way to recruit pokemon aswell as pokemon just uses two moves instead of four.
Thats it. This game is worth the money, and gives you more fun that you could dream about.