Is the sequel to Pokemon Stadium different enough to warrant a purchase?
Presentation: Packed with tons of battles, an in-game Poke-tutorial, entertaining mini-games and Gold/Silver playability, this one's a keeper for anyone who's worked hard to train their own Pokemon. 9.5/10
Graphics:They did a nice job with the 3-D Pokemon and even improved some of the bland backgrounds from the original. But where did the fainting animations go? 7.5/10
Sound: Since most of this game is spent in battle, you'd think they would make the announcer less generic. Ah, well. At least the thunder sounds cool 5.5/10
Gameplay: If you like the battles in Pokemon, you will like this game. But be prepared for a lot of it... in fact, too much. The battles get tiresome 7.5/10
Lasting Appeal: If you have painstakingly trained Pokemon and want to challenge your friends, this is the arena to do it in. If you haven't played through Gold or Silver, Stadium 2 isn't for you. 7.5/10
Overall: 8/10
My Verdict: Rent it first :)