It's the best card game I have ever tried
User Rating: 8 | Pokemon Trading Card Game GBC
Pokémon Trading Card is thee card game for GameBoy Color. Its fun, it has good graphic for a GameBoy Color game, the music though is something you get sick of pretty fast so do not play it with the sound on. No, the music is boring and homogeneous, because it is the same melody all the time almost, sometimes there is another melody but it is as boring and uniform as the other melody. The sound effects are not bad for a GameBoy Color but they are not good either. There are some bad things for the graphics like the peoples in the game can not stand still they walk on the spot all the time no matter what and that is annoying to look at all the time that you are playing the game. The game story is a little lame, you hear that the grandmasters will give away their legendary cards to those who beat them in the fine art of the Pokémon Trading Card game, so you start in a laboratory and ask professor Mason to look at your cards and give you a hand to start a deck, I gives you some card and if you choose the Charmander and friends deck then you will own a Charizard from the beginning. The game is not the toughest game but it got some challenge if you wanna have all cards. its very easy to get addicted to this game specially if you are a pokemon fan and/or have some pokemon trading cards