This game is great for those learning to play the real TCG, with true-to-life cards, status effects, and rules!
Gameplay (9): The gameplay, as noted above, is just like playing the real life TCG. The storyline, which is centered around defeating the 8 club masters and getting the superpowerful Legendary Cards, there is also some rivalry with a boy named Ronald, in which he challenges the player to several duels.
Graphics (7): The graphics for its time are pretty good, but there could have been some more animations. The more powerful attacks are actually cool, like the Dive Bomb attack used by Moltres.
Sound (8): The overall sound is great, with upbeat and catchy music for all of the maps and duels. The only drawback are the sound effects, in which they sometimes make the music mess up or sound odd. As with most GBC games, the sound effects are rarely strong points, but otherwise they are tolerable. in this game.
Value (7): The ability to battle and trade with others is a good thing to have, but you will rarely see someone else owning this game :( The multiple decks you can create, along with the ability to name each one and save the configuration for them is another strong point, allowing you to make the perfect deck and not lose it. You can even send your deck configurations to friends! There are even "Auto Deck Machines" in which you can insert the medal for a club that you have defeated and the machine can build a type of deck that they use at that club.