Revenge of the hated TCG!!! Mwa-ha-ha-ha!!!
But you might be able to state this game as "redemption" for all of that. Unfortunately, it just didn't catch on.
Gameplay: This game shines there. It captures all that a TCG game should: accuracy to the game, a okay storyline, and something wicked hard to beat at the end of it all. Especially that last one *sneers at that evil Articuno lady*
Graphics: What can I say, it's a GBC game from 2000. For that time, they were formidable, with many sprite variations and good representations of the Pokemon on the cards.
Sound: Same deal as with the graphics, you can't have too high of hopes from a 5-year-old Game Boy game. A good variety of sets, although some of it may be considered "kiddy", no matter how much I hate that *sneers again*
Replay: It's a card collecting game. You collect cards. Obvoiusly, awesome replay due to the variety of cards.
Overall: Very impressive for a Game Boy game... from 2000. Overall, a game that hardcore Pokefreaks should already have, and unbiased TCG fans should definitely get.