Revenge of the hated TCG!!! Mwa-ha-ha-ha!!!

User Rating: 8.4 | Pokemon Trading Card Game GBC
The Pokemon Trading Card Game has officially gotten the worst rep any TCG can: kiddy. Definitely the show, but not this. Yes, it may have stolen off of mechanics from stuff like Magic, but -come on - the range of new innovation is so small anything merchandised has to be slightly unoriginal.
But you might be able to state this game as "redemption" for all of that. Unfortunately, it just didn't catch on.

Gameplay: This game shines there. It captures all that a TCG game should: accuracy to the game, a okay storyline, and something wicked hard to beat at the end of it all. Especially that last one *sneers at that evil Articuno lady*

Graphics: What can I say, it's a GBC game from 2000. For that time, they were formidable, with many sprite variations and good representations of the Pokemon on the cards.

Sound: Same deal as with the graphics, you can't have too high of hopes from a 5-year-old Game Boy game. A good variety of sets, although some of it may be considered "kiddy", no matter how much I hate that *sneers again*

Replay: It's a card collecting game. You collect cards. Obvoiusly, awesome replay due to the variety of cards.

Overall: Very impressive for a Game Boy game... from 2000. Overall, a game that hardcore Pokefreaks should already have, and unbiased TCG fans should definitely get.
