This game is fun, for the first hour. Then it starts getting nauseating. It's over-all a decent experience.

User Rating: 6 | Pokemon XD: Yami no Kaze Dark Lugia GC
(One quick note, I'm not fjgamer. I'm his brother. Thats why the grammar is so poor.)

I personally played and beat this entire game, I even got a laugh when I caught Shadow Lugia with the master ball after it made the dramatic entrance. The game was a disappointment though, and I have many complaints.

First, the game play. You normally walk around as the trainer, and talk to people. The average pokemon game has this though, and it's not really different from doing it on the game boy. You'll notice this game is different right away, once you can go on the world map you notice that you can instantly transport to an area, with a little scooter. This is one bad change about the game, I personally would've enjoyed being able to capture pokemon normally by going through grass and not just going through a 2 second scene with the trainer on his scooter. I would've liked this game better if you could go on your scooter through towns to.

Anyway you'll play the majority of this game in battle, and when I say majority, I mean the battles are so long its cruel. The little attack animations are cool, for the first hour. Then it starts getting tedious, very, very, tedious. I think you'll spend about 3/4 of the battle waiting for your turn. The worst part is that some pokemon have some unfair ability where no attacks do damage to them unless its fire or something(People that own this game will know this as Shedninjas ability, Wonder Guard). I mean no attacks can literally hurt them unless you use rock attacks for something. Also the exp system is horribly flawed, because every battle in this game is 2 on 2 and they share the exp. Your forced to do 2 on 2 which means that your pokemon only get 300 exp for killing a pokemon, which is a very long process due to that fact that the animations are so long. One simple battle can take up to 15 minutes just because of this, if your pokemon are much stronger then your opponents, then even if you 1 hit all of your opponents pokemon and try to do a quick battle. It still takes 5 minutes.

One big problem is that wild pokemon are in the game, but you have to buy treats to attract their attention, then leave the treat there for 10 minutes. Most of the time I leave a treat there and this buzzer tells me that a pokemon is eating the food. So I have to stop what I'm doing to catch a useless level 15 pokemon. Also there are only 5 different wild pokemon you can catch, at least thats what I'm sure of since I tried to get new pokemon at least 20 times. The makers of this game just screwed up on this part. The worst part is that in most pokemon games, you have the option to turn off the animations. However, this game was obviously rushed and there is no such option. I could go on, but I have to actually play this game in order to remember all the other bad things about this game. Which I'm not going to do anytime soon.

The graphics are ok, in fact there great. The backrounds look very good and are well detailed. The animations look good and as your pokemon level up, the attacks you gain look more powerful and have more dramatic animations. I have no real complaints with the graphics, I actually just look at the backrounds, and subliminally, I am in awe. While your in battle, the camera movement is actually pretty cool, it circles around the match and appears in just the right places. While your picking which attacks to use, the camera does close-ups of your pokemon, the trainer, your opponent, the pokemon, and then finally a helicopter view, then starts all over again. However one problem I have is with the pokemon models. They look recycled from the n64 colloseum series, especially Blastoise.

The sound is ok, but mostly dull. The battle songs are ok, but start to get horrible and very bland once you've heard it over and over again. The sound effects are cool and fit great, its even amusing to hear the pokemon make their random crys that they made since red and blue version. Overall the sound is ok, but makes the game seem boring due to its innocence.

The value in pokemon games are usually insane, it takes a great deal of time to max level your favorite pokemon. The beauty of it all is that you have to capture all 350 pokemon( I've lost count and have no idea how many pokemon are around now, so sorry if thats wrong.). It can make the game 300 hours long. Too bad for XD, that since you cant capture wild pokemon an can only get pokemon from literally stealing them from other trainers. This means that there are only 86 catchable pokemon in the entire game. The worst part is that after you get them all, your only reward is a Dragonite. Why a Dragonite though? Why not Mewtwo, or Mew? Or Celebi? Dragonites are good, but the reward could've been better.

Overall this game was dissapointing, it was ok though. I personally have way more fun playing the game boy tittles, and I don't recomend this game at all. Sorry, I personally have respect for pokemon games, but his game is just not good.