Not for everyone, but many will love it.
The main character you play is Pikachu, and you don't play any other pokemon unless you are in a mini game, and you ave become friends with the pokemon you want to play as in the minigame. not all pokemon can be in all mini games, however, as a Blaziken can't fly, so he can't be played as in the flying type of minigames.
This game isn't for everyone, however, as I finished it in about 3 days, so its not for gamers who want an extremely tough game.. But I did have a lot of fun playing this game, and the pokemon like Pikachu are so cute.
When you are not doing a specific task, you can Dash into pokemon if you like. If you dash into small pokemon like Eevee or Buneary, the go flying. But pokemon like Furret will not go very far.
I recommend this game for Pokemon lovers, little kids, Pikachu lovers or people who just want to have fun. I certainly did, so I give this a 10/10.