A bunch of funny lines and characters, but nothing else.
The actual poker game is hard (not very hard because you win once in a very long while) because of the reward system. All the rewards are oriented towards in-game items in steam so you are not allowed to win because the 'motivation' would (in theory) disappear. That is translated in a frustrating streak of bad hands and weird losses (e.g., Queen and King with no match and you are beaten by a pair of twos). And that is not taking into consideration the bugs and crashes. In Omaha 'mode', twice the computer has ignored two of my four cards and I didn't get a full house. Also, as a 'bonus', the game crashed on me twice so far, in under 4 hours of game play. That's a first…
So, if you try to play and win, you can win some hands and/or tournaments, but prepare to be very frustrated/annoyed.
And, while talking about annoyed, let's also talk about the lines and jokes. Very funny some of them and you do get the impression that they did their best BUT they are RE-used much too often and you start to get annoyed really fast (as I was saying, in under 4 hours of gameplay). Also, you start to get annoyed by the same animations during gameplay. You hear and see the same 'gags' over and over… You wish you could just skip them and play the damned game (and not lose if possible).
In conclusion: you can laugh o few times, but you'll start really fast to think you wasted those few bucks and those hours of your life, as the game seems to 'sabotage' your chances of winning, while annoying you with the same lines and 'gags'.