A Vector Graphic Submarine Adventure
I picked up Polar Rescue from ToysRus Jan of 1983. This game was a 3d underwater submarine adventure. Your mission is to rescue trapped scientists from an underwater research laboratory. En-route you have to use your directional finder with active sonar to locate their position. That would not be too tough if it weren't for old WWII Style mines, icebergs and enemy subs trying to do you in. Once they have been located you have to center your display on the scientists and it will automatically lock on. Once locked on your submarine would extend a docking arm and they will be transported to your submarine. After this just sit back as your Submarine autopilots back to your base and then on to the next harder round. The sounds of the sonar alone really added depth and atmosphere to this game. Other sounds included getting hit by enemy torpedoes and hitting mines and iceberg and docking with the scientists.
It would have been nice to have at least some title music but given the 64k limitations of the Vectrex I was happy with what I got in this game.