The Vextrex!

User Rating: 9 | Pole Position VECX
Pole Position is probably the first popular racing video game ever released. It was first released in 1982. In the game, the player has to complete a lap in a certain amount of time in order to qualify for an F1 race at the Fuji Racetrack. After qualifying, the player has to face other cars in a championship race. If you crash the car, the car explodes and you are reset at zero MPH in the location of the crash. Pole Position is a very simple game, and it can be picked up & played easily. Pole Position was released on a wide variety of platforms, including the Atari 2600 and 5200, The Commodore 64, Intellivision, and even the Vectrex, among other platforms. It has also been released on numerous "classics" collections, as well as on cell phones and pretty much any other way imaginable.