Re-release of the groundbreaking series that put players in the heart of a SWAT team.

User Rating: 10 | Police Quest Collection PC
People are used to seeing police work depicted in dramatic and flashy ways on the silver screen and in tv dramas. The original Police Quest was quite a different story: as a computer game, it was unique in that it set the player in the gritty world of a realistic squad, breaking down doors, searching houses and even losing-sometimes quite brutally. My first case was to roust a gun-wielding elderly woman out of her home--and she didn't like me: I was killed when she opened fire.


Don't despair, however: every time you play, pay attention and really work hard, you can improve your chances of success. You get plentiful chances to practice, with no-nonsense, hard-nosed instructors who call you a quitter any time you try to walk out (even if you've reached your goals). The control system is quite challenging. This is no easy, fly-around-the-screen gig; it's as detailed as a flight simulator. And that's good: it shouldn't really be easy, when you think about it.

After that, it's out on the streets, working for justice the hard way.

The return of this landmark series is a great occasion for PC gaming. Add it to your library.