Back in 72' this was all people were talking about when it came to games. That is because it started it for home games.
If I were to play Pong today I would be bored with it in five seconds. You younger guys have had it great with the consoles and games that have come out in the last five years. For you that have never seen Pong it is like ping pong on your TV. There were different difficulty settings that made your paddle larger or smaller depending on the setting you desire. The speed of the blip would get faster with the difficulty setting set higher and that was about it.
If you had an opponent of equal skill you could play a game forever. It became tedious after a while. Watching the blip bouncing back and forth on your 13" black and white TV made your eyes burn. You had to have Pong set up on a back up TV because girlfriends and wives would get pissed if you set it up on the big TV in the house. They wanted to watch Dallas or some such crap.
So if you make fun of Pong and say it was crap you have to remember it was the granddaddy of them all for home gaming.
I have owned almost ever console that has come down the pipe since and own a PS3 now. I owe it all to the crappy little game called PONG.