Pong is the first game ever, and stands out in no way whatsoever.

User Rating: 9.1 | Pong ARC
This will be the shortest review I made, since there isn't a whole lot to say about this game. Pong is the father of all games we know today, and therefore is an instant classic. Your objective is simple: bounce back the dot to your opponent using your bar. There's no depth, story, music, graphics, characters, development, saving option or online mode in this game, so I'd love to give this game the perfect score, but I can't. You can't give a game with no sound 10 points for sound. You can however give this game 10 points for graphics, since it was by far the best looking game of its time. Writing a review on this game and actually assessing it by giving it points, is in one word impossible. I could talk for ages about what's not in this game, and how many games it inspired, but this review needs to be about this game. So here's my review:

It's pretty fun, but gets old soon. Should've been better, but since this just wasn't possible in 1972, it's perfect, except for the sound. Yeah there should've been some sound in this game, then it would've been perfect. Just remember we all owe our favourite way of wasting time to this piece of junk.