Considering what it is and what comprises it, this game is surprisingly deep...

User Rating: 7.5 | Pop WII
...No, not deep, like, "Oh, MAN! That bubble meant so much to me! This story is awesome!"

Deep like: A simple but robust "physics" engine, gameplay and difficulty that the player can ramp up themselves (chaining, not using powerups, etc.), and a simplesimplesimple... really, simple... point-and-click interface that does exactly what it's supposed to do.

I personally feel that this game is a great example of what type of game really engages players: graphics and story mean nothing if gameplay is crappy. It's pretty obvious what the player is supposed to do, and there's nothing wrong with that.

This is a good start, and I hope that the folks at Nnooo are able to drive on and make some more games.

Basic Pros:

-Simple, effective gameplay

-Clean graphics


-Doesn't hog Wii hard-drive space

-Nice that multi-player allows you to be naughty or nice.

Basic Cons:

-No on-line play

-No real variations on gameplay; there's nothing different, but as it's DLC, I'm not surprised

-Some framerate slowdown when the screen is crammed with bubbles

-Only a few powerups; maybe I'm old-school, but I like to see lots of different powerups that are sparsely applied vs. a few that are around all the time.

RECOMMENDATION: Buy it - It's fun. Considering the price, it's a lot of fun. Also, you'll be supporting a small developer, and contributing to DIFFERENT content for the Wii, and that's a good thing.