Popolocrois doesn't bring any new ideas to RPG's but combines some of the best, and brings a solid adventure.
- Long campaign
- Nice graphics and sound
- Upgrade system doesn't fell too heavy or light, just balanced
- Some hardcore fans may find it over simple
- Not a whole lot to do when games done
When Turn based RPG's come out you'll look for a couple of things -
1. A solid and lasting campaign
2. An upgrade system
3. An open world
4. Decent sized parties
Thankfully there all in Popolocrois, which doesn't rewrite a single RPG rule but instead just has the guts of some of the best
You play a young prince called Pietro (no hes not French!!) who,with an apprentice witch, must try save his mother soul from the underground but thats only 1 third of the story and along the way you'll meet a knight, a former evil robot inventor, 2 guards, etc.
The fighting is the bulk of the game and is done well. You can move across a set grid, charge your attack for the next turn, aswell as attacking from behind does more damage.
Overall its a solid RPG, a bit on the easy side.8.1 from me!