FAVORITE game,I always come back to it. But I can't really explain just why. So roll your eyes but I'm having a blast!
I don't find the humor cheesey when one of my tribe gets his butt caught on flames from an enemy Shaman's lightening or firestorm spell,and runs about hollering and smoking from behind. Its somehow even funnier when your arson bent Spies(who change into another tribe's color for you) torch the hut the other guy sleeps in for the same result. Even the swirling stars over a tribesman's head after he has a fistfight are cute. It IS a Prehistoric and primitive age afterall.
All shaman's are female-don't mind that either-they look kind of 'animae hotty' these leaders. Even if she gets killed, as long as the Shaman has at least ONE live follower, she comes back,reincarnated at your tribe's stonehenge site.If she has NO followers left however, her stonehenge crumbles into the earth and GAME OVER! It isn't such a bad thing to completely reshape the various planets you fight for dominion over using your Shaman's spells. It's good to be Shaman-not that you have the choice as the main character.But only she can cause Volcanoes and Earthquakes.(BOOM!) Tornadoes and Swarms of Insects,Temporary dragons (Angel of Death-eats the other guy's followers YUMMY) and Invisibility. Sure it's bad the enemy Shamans can do just the same, but you know what to expect then, huh?
Nor do I find it sacreligious when my tribesmen bow down to Easter Island type stone heads and chant away. Getting us more powerful spells or hut designs,then those idols sink into the earth, Unless another tribe beats us to it. The boats and Hot Air balloons are great ideas (since swimming hasn't been invented yet) in the battle for control of the 25 planets, Each planet with a different environment & each planet also being another level of the game.
Sometimes it is hard to get to the stone head or pyramid that gives you blueprints (to build the woodhuts ) which make the boats or balloons. Afterall- the Matak (green) Dakini (red) and Chumara (yellow) tribes are always nearby, Although all 3 aren't on every planet you try to conquer. But there's help! Your standard issue Braves (The name of your blue loin-clothed tribe) can train in the Warrior Hut to weild swords.All training is almost Instant, too.Your Firewarrior hut lets you make fireball throwing fighters out of regular tribesmen. The Temple lets you make tribesmen into (enemy -unit- converting) priests in Bishop Hats-Even their hypnotic droning is fun to hear. Especially if you build a tower for them to perch in as they do it! Watch out though-the other tribe(s) are doing the same, and usually faster than you!
I just DON'T KNOW what one thing makes me love Populous The Begining so much. Maybe if I had more time I could figure it out for you all, but I'm enjoying myself too much playing it to really care. And a week, month, or year from now I'm STILL going to enjoy it, even though I've won it numerous times already.