It's an outstanding feat when looking at it.At its heart, Portal 2 is a puzzle game that transcends farther than what it should be. The puzzles are fantastically thought up by the guys at Valve. Each one will have you cripplingly scratching your head, wondering how to solve them and when you do; a feeling of gratification suddenly appears. But that's the magic of the developer’s impeccable level design.
The visuals are pleasant to look at, nothing astonishing, though. It's running on valves seven year old source engine, but startlingly it still manages to look superb. Some nice physic effects and moody art-direction gives the game a modest sense of graphical direction.
Audio wise, the game is top notch. Thanks to gaming's greatest written screenplay, the dialogue in the game makes each of the actors voice-overs come to life in an immense way. Wheatly, Glados and all the other characters, add to unforgettable gaming cast. When you’re done with the 6-8 hour single player mode, you'll be able to play alongside a friend and solve puzzles together. This is a separate mode. Once again, it remains well written, witty and pleasurable. You'll chunk through everything the game has to offer in about 12 hours, but those who continue diving into its world might find it impossible to leave even after 30 hours of playtime.
Overall: Portal 2 is the definition of near gaming perfection. Well written-funny dialogue, an incredible cast of characters, remarkable level design… I can keep going on. Portal 2 just does a lot of modern games don't do and it doesn't even need mindless explosions to do so. It gives you a thoughtfully, unique and flawlessly structured video game.