i found the game way to easy beat it both single player and co-op within 4 hours max i found portal 1 more challanging.

User Rating: 6.5 | Portal 2 PC
Ok here is my full review i will be reviewing a phew thing such as story, campagian, co-op, and other stuff so let get started.


As for the story i thaught it was great a 9.0/10 but i already knew that the blue sphere would tourn on you from the start but other wise great story.


Im sorry to say i would have to give it a 6.0 i just found it all way to easy everything was all layed out and easy but portal 1 you had to go back and forth and do stuff unlike portal 2. i was very disapointed and also you can like almost never die unlike in portal 1 were i died lots i think i only dided maybe 2 times in portal 2


This mode was pretty good but very very short and diddent last long, i also foud it very very easy but only hard when you get some idiot as a team mate the just runs around killing themselfs and doing stupid stuff. so i will hive to give Co-op mode a 6.5/10

Other Stuff

So pretty mush i was dissipointed overall if you actually watch some of the trailers some of the puzzles look harder and some of the ones that looked hard were not even in the game.

Also unlike in portal one where you could import custom maps and other stuff you cant do that in portal 2 thats that really makes me give this game a low score if i could import custom maps the possiblities would be endless. Hopefully they will somehow make sure you can later.

What I think!!!!!
If they add were you can import custom maps like portal 1 with all there new stuff this game would get a rating from hardcore gamers like me a 10/10 becasue we can make the hardest maps we want.

In the end i feel ripped off and cheated for spending this much on this game as it is i would only buy this game if it was $9.99 max and thats sad

Portal 2 is missing alot or is it just me if you check out these official trailers, with some earlier iterations on some of the puzzles in the game and see what i mean

This one had a safe floor added, removing the tricky movement in the beginning. When I originally watched this trailer, I was imagining how tricky it looked to pull off.

This one had the ending really simplified. Probably because it was an earlier tutorial level.

This one removed the turrets, and the portals through the wall, again probably because it was a tutorial level.

This timing based puzzle was removed all together.

This simple but tricky looking level was also removed.

I was hoping that Valve would of had some of the challenge like from the first Portal - essentially the same rooms but modified to make the puzzles more challenging to work out. Portal 2 was a great game but all in all very disappointing not a challenge.
Also why can't we import and create our own custom portal maps like portal 1 that would make the game endless.

All in all I would give this game a 6.5/10 and that's only because of the good story and i already knew the blue sphere that was helping you escape was going to turn evil it was so predictable but still good story/funny but the game was way to easy portal 1 was more of a challenge everything just seemed all layed out for me in portal 2.

well hopfully they will release some new maps with updates becasue the game is still pretty new it was released on Apr 19 2011 if im not mistaken, And its only the April 26 now and they have already fixed some errors they had so maybe like i said there still looking for errors and are gonna add more content in later updates.

But ill be so mad if they make us pay for the new content like bonus maps becasue they havent even put in the trade thing and all the items you can buy for your bots which i find are usless and i feel they need better maps becasue paying $49.99 for this game as it is, is not worth it.

I just want more harder challenging maps becasue i found the game way to easy all we can do is hope wait and see.