Short length, but every second is gold.
It packs a lot of fun, challenges and humour into its 10 hour single player campaign (which I will deal with) - no time is wasted and there are no misfiring moments. If this game were "too" short, you would finish it feeling that something is left unfinished - that just doesn't happen.
The characters are introduced and developed nicely throughout the game, even those you never actually meet or interact with. The plot twists and turns in its short life, all the while captivating you with how the characters interact and relate to each other. The humour is consistently perfect, with the voice acting spot on for all the different characters - each one is completely believable, often hilarious, in their respective roles.
The challenges of the game are introduced carefully to get you used to them and really do "train" you for the harder levels where the different gels and beams all combine together. And that's why the game is not "too" short - the challenges are all there for you, to increase the length of the game would be to risk repeating what has happened for no other reason than to pad out the game. It's small, yet perfectly formed, and failing all else, wait for the game to go on sale.
We're done here.