Best First person strategy game to date! A must but for end less game play and fun. So what are you waiting for... go!!!

User Rating: 9.5 | Portal 2 PC
Well after playing the first Portal about 50 or more time, when I heard the second was coming out I could not wait. And the wait was worth it. With kickass game play followed but a sarcastic computer pissed off that you kicked her, this can easily be best game off the year. Now knowing how short the first one was I was shocked to see how long this game was. From getting back into those crazy test, to trying to run for your life. They also though in fun extras!!! Now these puzzles are fun always new and exciting. And you also get a wise cracking robot trying to help you get out. "trying" being the main word here. There where points in the game where I thought it was the end, but nope they trick ya. If you haven't played it yet do so. This is one you want to buy to play again and again.