My personal review of game. Features: Story, gameplay, music, graphics, co-op. Enjoy :).

User Rating: 9 | Portal 2 PC

Portal 2 was another most waited game by me. Reason? Valve, duh! First portal game was amazing, so obviously I would be excited and wait for it. And when it released, and I got my hands on it, thanks to my good friend, I must say, I did not disappoint! More opposite. It was firkin awesome!


Story continued from the portal 1 story. It has improved a lot and story was fun. There was almost everything. Good laugh moments, good crying moments and moments where you had no idea, what to do. And most important, it was fun. Story sucked you in and answered most of questions I had. Well, there are few questions I didn't get answer to, but none of them mattered.

Story score: 10/10


Usual stuff. You have weapon, portal into one wall, other portal other side of wall and you jump through. But the puzzles were cool. Whenever you thought "Oh, I know how to do that!", you felt like you achieved something epic. Since game isn't RPG, it is obvious that there is only one ending and that is all. Gameplay was similar to portal 1, but it wasn't all same. There was few new stuff presented in portal 2. Like liquid stuff. White liquid for new portals and blue liquid for epic jump. Oh and red one too! So, since they presented some new cool stuff, it gets 9/10 from me!


Portal 1 music was amazing, so of course portal 2 music was very epic too. All music fitted where ever they had to fit. Even tho most of time there was no music. Okay, most of game xD. But where ever was music, it was epic. Oh god, lemme think, where was music? Oh right, when GLaDOS awakened! Well, ending music was best :3!

Music score: 8/10 - there still was lack of music tho.


EPIC! I must say, I have duckling old PC – and it ran lag-free on almost maximum quality. I must say Valve technology is amazing and graphics still were amazing. Sadly there has been better graphics and it isn't near to perfect, but they definitely are amazing!

Graphics score: 9.5/10


I haven't played Co-op much myself yet. Only few levels with my friend. I plan to play them when summer break starts. But as much I have played. It is just way too amazingly done!

Co-op score: 10/10!

Conclusion & Overall

Game was epic. You have to get it and play it! IT is great experience. But make sure to play Portal 1 first, then you will understand overall music :)!

Overall score: 9/10

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