Cave johnson invented the portal gun but how in this review.
Research was away but controversy was always nearing at "Caves"door step until he decided to build an experiment that would not only save man kind 60$ but make him entrepreneur!, unfortunately all things that seem true also come at a cost. over the years Mr johnson was slowly deteriorating due to the exposure cancerous dust rocks that resulted in tumors to brain, this didn't stop him from long shot. he appointed carolyne as the care taker of apachure research department. and for those test subjects that became locked in all those years were oblivious appointed test and as perfection is human disease it's surely unequal to robotic (ai) Glados formally the programed care taker was reprogrammed due to specifications but nobody really knows how long apachures been running or who actually is carolines daughter i guess only glados knows thanks to Cave johnson.
Graphics: Very much like left4dead2 graphics so your most likely to either mod the hell outta both games or play both due to sheer graphical authenticity this game pumps out but graphics as in general it's rusty as hell
Sound: Sound complements the game in many ways, voice acting is as good as it gets, how ever i was expecting the game to question me for replaying a certain level"like GlaDos"why are you repeating i thought you gave up for example as humorously interesting it would seem, but what ever the case sounds robust and vitalizing.
Game play:Very easy friendly pretty much any one can play the physics are amazing especially the gels, and sun beam floors, the possibilities given to people would be good but limited as it's mainly used to make the game interesting and fun. but would make a cool mod tool.
Multi-player:The multi-players really interesting apart from the docile gamers out there it's solid. you would kinda question why GlaDos never offered these challenges to any human maybe she despises Humans???
Pros:Inventive always refreshing, puzzles really make you think, narratives refreshing but still leaves unanswered questions to ???? well that's what id be asking,
Cons:At some point with the hovering beam that transports you to one location it's very hard to determine what color portal you've selected thus resulting in you hitting a button that results in your death. i would not question "valves" games but this can become a pain. the 2 color portals situated around the inter reticle doesn't help much because once you've selected the portal you have it's very hard to determine what portal your using, a indicator in right corner or something would help telling you what portal is in use while shaded out, Puzzles seemed to easy, Wheatly becomes more nuisance then usual and glados tells very little when seperated while down in the ancient burial grounds of 60"S this could answer a question that valves not done with portal yet, it might actually cross over with half life who knows.
Final thoughts:
When you smash wheatlys digital tv screens some must be done with stationary turrets, position one in front digital tv and the lil turret will do rest.
When picking up the friendly cube companion, slightly have it tilt on angle while stationary on button then sling shot across!! do not enter the exit pick up the cube and your done. if your struggling to pick it up reposition it again till you have it.