A sleeper hit among the orange box, Portal is more than just a puzzle game or a mind jogger

User Rating: 9 | Portal PC
When first getting the orange box my immediate reaction was to play portal for it's unique playing style and usage of portals through puzzles.

From the get go of playing portal, it seemed just like an ordinary puzzle game that was sort of an additional bonus to the orange box, but my assumption was way off. Your guided by a computer program and watched by cameras as an experiment to demonstrate how you fulfill complex tasks using a portal gun, sort of how scientists experiment on rats and the function of their brains.

Slowly but surely, a story reveals itself, as well a an unsolved and mysterious conflict within the Aperture Science facility. I wont reveal too much in that area, because if i did, the story wouldn't be as great and revealing as it would be if you actually played it.

The puzzles are fun to figure out, they arent entirely difficult if you think and set your mind to what you have to do, but if you do get stuck , theres always gamefaqs. When you beat the game though, you do get awesome challenges that are given to you, based off the different levels in the game.
For example, a challenge given can be: Complete the level only using a certain amount of portals, or completing it in a certain time, with only using a certain amount of portals. Its worth the replay value, so play on.

All in all, Portal is a fantastic game that will have you saying "wtf?" for a while, even if the ending song doesnt give you the chills.