Portal is one of those games that when you play it, you will think "Wow, this is pretty freakin' cool." The whole concept behind the game is very innovative, yet at the same time it feels like it should have been done a long time ago. I must say, gathering momentum and flinging yourself through a portal has to be one of the best things you can do in a PC game. The game doesn't alienate certain players, unless you're a player who strictly plays 3rd-person action games. The puzzle difficulty level is just right, especially for someone like me who gets frustrated at puzzles very easily and will put the game down for 6+ months after not being able to solve a puzzle. The game is short; it took me 3 1/2 hours to finish it, and that was all in one sitting. The visual style is amazing. The whole Aperture Science facility looks very sleek and clean, and it makes you feel like you're almost in a completely sterile environment, which would make sense, because it's a science facility. The audio in the game is excellent as well. From the sound effects of the portal gun, to the excellent voice-over, to the ending credits (which is arguably the best part in the game). The script writing was excellently done as well, because the game is flat out hilarious. By the time you get to the end, you will be laughing very hard, I guarantee it.
Long story short: Portal is an awesome first-person puzzle game that looks great, sounds great, plays great, and is just overall an excellent game that everyone should play.
*** PORTAL *** THE GOOD -Fantastic and innovative puzzles -Witty and highly entertaining dialog -Different ways to solve each problem -Delightful music during the credits THE BAD -Really short OVERVIEW... Read Full Review
Now, when I bought The Orange Box, this was the first game I played, and 3 hours later I was finished it. The games' length depends on how good you are at problem solving. For some it will take a few hours, to others it ... Read Full Review