Great job of using the current technology to try something new.

User Rating: 8.5 | Portal PC
I looked at this game as an extended level of HL2. Same engine, same look and feel, and same weapon, made the controls feel right at home.

Graphics - Very nice, and no crashes running maxed out at 1920X1080. Not to much in the texture department because of the overall concept of the game, but well done for what they had to work with.

Gameplay - definitely different...needless to say it was a whole new take on a FPS style interface. I'm no genius, but I really didnt find the game all that challenging until the very last 2 bonus levels. It still made me think, but I was never stumped to the point of frustration, so I give the developers credit for keeping the flow up. The game was short, but I wasnt expecting a marathon so no bad marks for length.

Storyline - Clever...I will leave it at that. Overall - prob dont need to convince anyone to play this game as its part of a bundle, but if you were at all wavering, let me say its a fun way to spend a night or two.