This is a really great game. It has to be one of my best, but there's only one issue with it: really really short. It took me a weekend to start and finish it, although it was all I was doing at the time. Great value, seeing how you can get it at Target for $10. There are more maps you can download, but they don't work for mine. Another thing that is great about it is that the computer talking to you is really funny. The plot is sublime and integrated into what the computer is saying, and although that may not seem like much, they could have not included a story at all; just make it a puzzle game. The bonuses rock if you want to cheat, although for some reason you just can't knock a turret over with a machine gun. I found it to be a great value, but I think it might be better if you buy the Orange Box, because in that package it effectively only costs $6, plus all those other games. And there is something to be said for shooting yourself in the head (yes, that's possible).
*** PORTAL *** THE GOOD -Fantastic and innovative puzzles -Witty and highly entertaining dialog -Different ways to solve each problem -Delightful music during the credits THE BAD -Really short OVERVIEW... Read Full Review
Now, when I bought The Orange Box, this was the first game I played, and 3 hours later I was finished it. The games' length depends on how good you are at problem solving. For some it will take a few hours, to others it ... Read Full Review