Portal is an outstanding game that throws convention to the wind.
The game progresses from there in a logical fashion. You are introduced to the ins and outs (no pun intended) of portals, in addition to the rules governing the test chambers. Eventually you'll gain control of the portal gun itself and be free to place entrances and exits throughout the levels. Taking into account momentum and portal placement becomes integral as you advance. Puzzles get progressively harder, but never feel unfair or overly difficult. The solution is always just a logical step away and the payoff is a real sense of accomplishment. In fact, beating the game rewards the player with one of the greatest set of end credits in gaming history; you won't be able to hold back a grin.
While the game initially presents itself as a series of "get from point A to point B" mazes, it actually houses an incredibly entertaining storyline. It trods that oh-so-familiar artificial intelligence-gone-mad pathway, but the writing is so clever and the voice acting so spot-on, the game still manages to feel fresh. If there is one downfall to Portal, it is its length; experienced gamers can warp their way through in about 3 hours. This problem is somewhat alleviated by the advanced puzzles and challenge modes that are made available upon beating the game, but one can't help yearning for more sci-fi puzzle solving.
As games go, Portal offers an incredibly unique take on the puzzle genre. It adds a great story to some simple mechanics that will make your head spin. If you haven't played it yet, I suggest you go to Steam and download it on its own or, better yet, pick up the complete Orange Box. Either way, you'll get a great value for a game that you'll be playing for years to come.
9.3 / 10