Portal will make you think until your head overload
Portal is a Sci-Fi puzzle game, The game is set around is Portal gun that can shoot two portal that you can sovle puzzles in away its base on the Gravity gun from Half-life the only drifferents is that you fire portal instead of pulling things apart. There are 19 puzzle in overall plus 6 advanced maps. The puzzles get your mind thinking and some times you don't know if your up or down, as you progess in the game the puzzles get longer and hard until your brain just gives in.
The has some funny lines from the main computer, and though out the game you are promise cake at the end of all the testing I will not spoil the ending but you will laugh, There are some refrences from Half-life and Half-life 2. The way you do some of these puzzles can be different from person to person, which makes the game fun to play.
Overall Portal will make you mind blow at the puzzles and at graphics, The game is so so fun and you will spend hours and hours trying to finish the game and then you spend month trying to beat the advanced maps. So if you want a great puzzle game then and come and buy the Onrange Box and play Portal and the other awsome games.