Valve is back with an ingenious game to dust the cobwebs off your brain. You are required to defy physics by making portals to reach high places. This great game has engineered amazing new game mechanics like no other! You are a test subject working for Aperture Science. A computer named GLaDOS guides you through and wins an award for one of the top ten phrases "First you shall complete the testing, and then there will be cake." Soon, the story unveils itself and you end up becoming a heartbreaker (play the game before questions!). After you beat the game, the love song plays and you watch the credits. This is where the game got the top ten songs award (from me). Even after you beat the game, there are challenges to earn awards and cake :). Valve has made an instant classic! This is a game you cannot miss!
*** PORTAL *** THE GOOD -Fantastic and innovative puzzles -Witty and highly entertaining dialog -Different ways to solve each problem -Delightful music during the credits THE BAD -Really short OVERVIEW... Read Full Review
Now, when I bought The Orange Box, this was the first game I played, and 3 hours later I was finished it. The games' length depends on how good you are at problem solving. For some it will take a few hours, to others it ... Read Full Review