Fun and hilarious while it lasts.
Portal takes place in the Aperature Science lab, which apparently exists in the Half-Life universe. You play as a nameless girl character who is the test subject in the lab. Throughout the game, you are accompanied by a robot voice named GLaDOS, who keeps you motivated going through the game by assuring you there will be cake, and also provides most of the humor during the game.
Early in the game, you get the Portal Gun, which, hence the name, is a gun that shoots portals. You can shoot blue and orange portals. You go in one portal and out the other. And that's how you get through the game. There's also a momentum factor in the game, where if you enter a portal going fast, you'll go out the other even faster. Or as GLaDOS puts it: speedy thing comes in, speedy thing comes out.
The graphics in Portal are pretty good. Textures of walls will have little marks or scratches making no wall look exactly the same. The lighting effects are also really good, the Portal Gun will reflect light making it look beautifully glossy.
The music is good. It's just cool techno or electronic music here and there now and then. But there's the awesome radio music you'll hear occasionally. And the ending song, Still Alive, which is now like a legend. It's also the most hilarious song I've heard.
Even though Portal was made by Valve, it's not perfect. Portal is really short. It'll take most players 2 to 3 hours, which means you could probably finish it in one or two sittings. Also, the first 15 out of 19 levels in Portal are rather easy. On my second playthrough I got to level 16 in about 30 minutes.
+ Unique
+ Fun
+ The ending song
+ Mind-bending puzzles
+ Great sense of humor
-Mostly easy
SCORE: 8/10
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