Postal 2 is racist, homophobic, disgusting, and unfunny. This game is hardly even worth torrenting.
+ Total freedom to kill anybody however you want to.
+ Most weapons are fun to use with secondary fire modes.
+ Surprisingly well-structured gunplay.
+ Free to download. Free to play.
- Graphics are okay but have many color-correction problems.
- The Postal Dude is generally annoying and many of his lines are very tedious.
- Most melee weapons are useless (except for chainsaws and shovels).
- Some over-the-edge hilarics could've been tightened up better.
- Abysmal voice acting and animations.
- Built-in level editor is good, but extremly tricky and glitchy.
- Racist and Homophobic factor.
Its here. Postal 2 is here. The game that makes parents cry, and religous supporters boggle in paranoia. Mortal Kombat, the king of video game violence, falls to its knees at the sight of this serial killer simulator. Several lawsuits later, Running with Sissors just went out the with the second generation of Postal, Postal 2. Postal 2 offers some redicous, stupid, pointless, retarded, cheesy and racist gameplay.
In Postal 2, the main character's name is "Postal Dude", whose avatar displays as a 1970 dark disco vamp in a trench coat. The beginning of the game starts Postal Dude by a shoddy caravan in Arizona by his wife who challanges him with many errands like buying milk, earning your paycheck, going to the doctor, buying toys, and getting a gift for your uncle. The game takes place through a set of 5 levels to form a week. On Monday, a set of events will happen, while Tueday and Wendnesday will have different events. In the clockwork city, you have to run around the game doing these errands; running to the local market for milk, grabbing an xmas tree from the forest, and hitting the mall to stock up on the new "Krotchy" toy.
Of course, though, that is just a diversion, and you're never forced to complete the "missions". You can simply run around, kill people, and cause urban mayhem to your heart's content. For instance, in one "mission" where you must cash your paycheck, you can either wait in line for 10 minutes or cut up in front with a chainsaw, litterly. You can choose to be the good citizen, or you can start killing everybody if your really that weird. Though, in keeping with GTA, and shooter tradition, there are times where you will need to waste a few lives in order to protect yourself.
If you've laughed at something as asinine (and pointless) as South Park, Postal 2's dark humor will feel like an archeologey dig. During that dig, you'll find excessive swearing, over-the-top toliet humor, and insane missions through the game. In one stupid mission where you are doing something as simple as going to the local church, a raid of Obsama Bid Laden clones with machine guns and molotoiv cocktails storm the place; grab a rocket launcher and defend yourself! Another time where you visit the meat market, an army of redneck hee haws with guns disaprove of your presence but if you got the guns, you can kill them. The game doesn't beat you over the head with being a virtual serial killer as the main aspects of a good fps are in Postal 2; alot of mission "sequances" involve wasting hillbillies in sewers, decapitating militarists in research labs, and some crazy incidental enviorments that portray as normal fps levels. The game is filled with all sorts of racist stereotypes and such. As an Elagarationist, I'm pained to think the developers actually decided to stereotype homosexuals, Christianity, and other subject matters so offensively even though the actual gameplay itself is decent. One thing I got to say; this is not a game for kids.
One disapointing miff of doing this is that the game is cussed with loading screens that seperate the different parts of the city. In one "goal" of the game's "storyline", you may need to pass across to the other side of the city map, which is walking and waiting up to 6 loading screens. You'll see this happening when a bland red bar appears at the bottom of the screen: LOADING. On most modern systems, the load usually takes about 10 seconds at the very least. Nevertheless, it can become quite tedious and sometimes prevent you from exploring places that aren't critical to your goal. Furthermore, although cars are placed throughout the game, you can't drive any. And considering you'll be walking miles and miles to get somewhere, its equally troublesome, testing not only your paitence, but also a part of your sanity.
In and outside of violence, Postal 2 encourages Postal Dude to kill, kill, kill with any weapon he can find lying around. For instance, you might find a shovel leaned up against a shed that you can pick up and start wacking heads off with. You might also find a barrel of gasoline that you can pour everywhere, throw a match, and burn anybody in the raidous of the liquid. If you are twisted enough to kill an officer of the law, you can pick up his police stick as well as his pistol and even his disguisable uniform to put to good use. You'll also get an eletric taser, a shotgun, an M16, grenades, sniper rifles, phorephous grenade launchers, and a poisonous cow head that works as a gas grenade, inducing blood vommiting to anybody nearby before they die. After killing Krotchy, a mall guy in a costume protraying as the real thing, you'll get a hold of a nuclear rocket launcher that is probably the best weapon in the game. As you fire and implode cars and terrified minors, an item called "catnip" can be used to make a slow motion effect like in F.E.A.R. Or, if you have absolutely no life, there is an inconvential weapon on your side; Postal Dude can piss on his enemies. While it was obviously meant to be a crude joke, there's not alot of games that let you urinate on high maitenence superstars; in this case, Gary Colemen is featured in the game, armed with a M16, who can be killed.
Overly, the game's entire premise is somewhat leaning to being pointless; kill people over and over again. While side missions accompany, the game can be beaten in a day and by completing it, you'll come to find yourself only playing it up to 7 times a month at the very most. Postal Dude rattles off some heroic one liners and they all fail epically in almost every where possible. Simply put, the character you play as is very cheesy and the world he is stuck in starts to get boring quickly.
There is a level editor included that copies the blueprint of the Unreal editor, however, and its possible to create your own clockwork city just like the original singleplayer. Still, saying that its user friendly is a big lie, and even with the help of mods like chainsaws and sickles from the community, Postal 2 still just feels shallow, if not, completely dry. The graphics aren't too bad, since most of the building and floor textures are almost photo-like realistic and bumped. Regardless, other textures that stretch outside and other area's look somewhat damp, as most of the game's models look terribly dated. Lighting effects aren't far from shoddy either, as citizens on the street are 10x brighter than the sun, making them look like angels. This is because the outdoor areas and big buildings were built with several light actors, but failed to keep the room and the objects in it looking in unity. The inside of rooms and buildings feature alot of spacy, empty hallways and room, though perhaps that's a good thing when you have ingnited citizens running after you.
Out of the box, there is no multiplayer for the original release/download of Postal 2 (there was innitally a rumor that it was free for download on the Postal 2 site, but I have no idea what happened to it now). Postal 2: STP users on the other hand will get the chance to "play" multiplayer. There are Deathmatch modes, and Team Deathmatch modes that let you take it on with other players or bots (which the game lovingly calls "morons). Multiplayer matches are just retarded, as most online matches are usually just pissing marathons with no guns being used whatsoever. Assuming the latest patch is installed, you also get a Capture the Flag mode, but knowing how genuinely offensive the game tends to be, the flag is replaced with a catty pop-teen, supposedly to up the virgin's best ante. Nothing about the multiplayer is enticing.
I am not a big fan of dark humor, so this goes without saying that most of Postal 2 was very stale for me. Its hardly worth torrenting because even if the game wasn't offensive, it is still quite boring. If over the top dark humor or occasional over-discrimination doesn't bother you, and a lack of replay value doesn't smack you over the head, Postal 2 is for the sickest of people. Just take in consideration the baggage of that, and if by all means you NEED to get this game and relive who you really want to be deep down inside, buy Postal 2....Share the Pain instead.