Violent, Pointless, Irrelevant, offensive... just a few points on why i love this game.
Postal 2 is another game based around urban chaos, sandboxing and freeroam. There isnt much to say about the game due to the fact i call it my "Stress Reliever" since if the real world atrocities are getting you down why not take it out on some random on the street or stick a cat on the end of your shotgun and fire it through someones window... yes i did say that... and yes that is possible in the game. Running with Scissors are one of the game companies that mothers around the world must just hate to pieces.
This game is for those really who must have a good sense of humour and to not take this game to seriously... if you do you have issues.
The whole plot of the game is to bascially be an errand boy doing usual everyday tasks I.E. picking up the milk, getting your pay cheque, going to the bank to cash the cheque things like that but with a little added violence. Skip the ques to pay for the milk with a nasty shovel in the face.
There were not many weapons in the share the pain pack, only the typical shotguns, Desert Eagles and assualt rifles to name a few of the firearms, there were more funny weapons or brutal melee weapons at your disposal such as the infamous gasoline.
The graphics side of the game is pretty good since it has physics which for me make game's even more brutal and humourous. It would be better if the game did have its own soundtrack but i usually play my own in the background... something weird like the teletubbies theme whilst going on an angry fire based killing spree.
The game is basically a brutal free for all packed in one CD just for the hell of it... it can get quite boring sometimes, but some violent expertiments can be just plain awesome.
Overall- A brilliant game for some depending on the kind of humour that you have, good graphics and funny humour for an urban chaos game.