A complete whaste of time and money.
User Rating: 1 | Power of Destruction PC
I uninstalled this game after 5 - 10 min of checking out the controls and trying the game itself. Instead of clicking on the control you want to change and just pressing the one you want you have to scroll through a limited list of key board keys (mostly letters) that you can use. I use my arrows so moving about in this game is worthless to me. Also no !! you cant adjust your mouse sensitivity...what kind of idiot does that to a game.
The game is terrible...depressing...and completely devoid of anything a good or even so so shooter should be. Someone should have flushed this piece of fecal matter down the toilet while it was just an idea. I want to feel bad for those who paid people to make this game but no....they desearve to wallow in the disgust riddled aftermath of this terrible piece of software.