Go go Power Rangers, Mighty Morphing Power Rangers!
First of all a little history: What are The Power Rangers? Well when I was really young the Power Rangers were cool. When I grew up a little they were lame. Now they're cool again. Why? Because they are The Power Rangers.... a group of young rebellious teen-agers that must fight with karate and over-theatrical antics against the Evil side! The show was, I mean is, so childish and so stupid it was funny… and for some reason unknown they became cool… kind-a like Chuck Norris.
Now let's get to the actual game. First of all Story: its typical Power rangers. Unite and beat the bad guy. On a more in depth view, Lord Zedd (the bad guy from the original series) is evil again (he was turned good at the end of Power Rangers in Space) and wants to destroy all Power Rangers throughout time (this meaning the different power rangers in different seasons). He uses a stone to try to alter the course of time, but the Omega Ranger shatters the stone buying some time. Omega Ranger now uses a fragment to recruit rangers from different times different seasons that is) so he can stop Zedd. And thus you take control of Rangers from different shows.
The Gameplay. Well this is going to be a little tricky. I can't say that it's great, but it's pretty much what one would expect from a Power Rangers game. The control is easy, fluid and with enemy forces relying on numbers to win, it's just fun to defeat the minions of evil. When you reach a boss things get complicated: Each boss has 2 fazes: 1 normal combat and 2 megazord fight. The normal combat is just like fighting normal guys. The Megazord fight is turn base: fist comes a clash, then the winner of the clash attacks, then the other guy and then another clash. Clashes are won by rapidly tapping an indicated button. Attacking and blocking are done by performing a combo shown on the screen. Very easy actually. The game overall also is a platform game with jumping and collecting shiny things (like every other arcade game out there). By colleting these shiny things and completing pre-set missions (like number of opponents to defeat or the number of hits in a combo) you increase a Rangers' power and unlock new combos and other stuff like artwork and Power Ranger theme songs.
Now comes the visual aspect of the game: Overall the game is great depicting the story in a comic book style view. The bugs are only those that you would expect from an arcade game and do not interfere with your gameplay at all. Not much else you can say on a simple cartoon graphic design for an arcade game.
The sound is great. The music is just typical Ranger music and it has a lot of diversity, sounding the same and yet not boring you at all. The only thing that the sound lacks is Ranger comments. The rangers only make "HYA" sounds and only talk while doing their special hit. It would have been very fun to have comments during normal game play.
To sum it up the game is not something new, breath-taking, edge-creating, controversial or anything of the sorts. It's just a fun, kid style, arcade game with as many Power Rangers as possible. If you were a fan of the series (like me) or are a fan of the series (you're 5) or want your kid to try something just fun, play this game. You won't regret it!