Yet another Collection to hit the PSP.. is it any good? real score 7.4
I really despise Collections.. its the cheap way to make money for game designers.. You take games you did in the past.. put them together and get cash.. honestly its better to buy the oringinal one because it looses its egde when it gets put into collections.. PSP is the King of Collections.. just some off the top of my head, Crazy Taxi Fare Wars: classic Dreamcast games.. suffers from the PSP.. plus Custom Music.. Hell no i want The Offsprings: All i want.. this game def. does not need a custom Sound Track, Medievil: Classic PS1 game, Ape Escape on the loose: port of the PS1 game, Tekken DR: Port off an Arcade game and console game, and Ultimate Ghost and Goblins: port off the SNES game.. Look there are way too many on the PSP.. this is yet another.. When will they ever learn that people want New games not games we beat over and over agian in the past. Like i said Cheap way to make a lot of money... Now to the Game
Power Stone Collection is pretty much the same game as you played on the Dreamcast.. Both 1,2 are a lot alike the Dreamcast verison.. here are the most noticable changes.. The characters brought in from Power Stone 2 are now playable in Power Stone 1, More items in 2.. 2 new characters in 2.. the bosses in Power Stone one.. some tweaked controls.. and some minor graphical Enhansements.. but not everything looks better however.. Nothing too different.. the story in both games are the same, and only a few new stages i believe... is it worth the money.. depends.....
The Gameplay is all about collecting power stones.. get 3 turn uber.. you can do blast shots or Uber Moves.. thats the best way i can explain it.. you can only have it for a short time then the gems are gone.. there are also items to pick up, and on stage things you can interact with. The pace is very fast and very wild.. but its not too crazy you won't know what your doing.. Its got a great balance.. People who like Smash Bros will enjoy this with great number of characters.. number of different moves and numerous amounts of items/Weponds each battle will be different..
Power Stone collection is a Fan boys dream.. it gives you both classic power stone games with minor changes.. it also gives you the Memory card crappy games.. why you would want to play it who knows but they give it to ya.. Fan Boys also like that.. A Big Problem in this game is Load Times.. On the Reg. PSP it takes forever to load up.. you might want to just put it down walk out of the room and come back.. it does take a bit of time to load.. most noticably when you switch between games. Control can take time to get the hang of.. and the little Numb of a Anolog stick does not get the job done as well as the Dreamcast controlers..
Overall if you like Power Stone for the Dreamcast then pick it up.. if you never played it think of it as Smash Bros With Gems and a Health Bar.. But with the PSP having many problems with controls and huge amounts of load times.. you are just better off Buying the Old one then picking this collection up.. There is just not enough new content to make this game recomendable to the common person
Gameplay: Crazy high paced action.. 4 players and many levels.. power stone is just plain fun to play with anyone
Graphics: Some of the game looks better some looks worse.. slow downs and high load times hinder the game.. also the camera seems worse in the port..
Sound: short sound bytes for the characters.. the music is nothing great
Value: Not all the Bang for your buck.. your better off buying both for the dreamcast.. faster load times.. and the new content is nothing great
Overall: Great Dreamcast game Good Port.. but nothing its just another port for the PSP.. nothing really stands it apart from any other Collection on the PSP. Fan Boys rejoice both games on one disc!