If your a Capcom lover or a retreo fan of the Sega Dreamcast you'll enjoy the Power Stone Series.
This is a remake from the Dreamcast version and has been ported onto PSP. Power Stone Collection lets you play 1 and 2, the main story was a set of chacters set in the 19th century where the main chacters seek the legendary Power Stones which are these magical stones which will make anyones dream come true. Power Stone 2 story is simular to the first game but set in a mysterious floating castle. Like other fighting games each charcter has there own story.
Gameplay- If you havn't played a Super Smash Brother game on Nintendo, it feels very simular but with weapons as well like guns, swords, rocket launchers or a water gun which you can use to take out other fighters. There are these power stones which you'll have to fight your way through if you want them.
If you got 3 power stones you'll become a super-powerful form of your charcter which can use for a short time until your Power Gauge runs out. But make sure you get the stones before they do if you don't you'll be beaten easily. Power Stone 2 gameplay is simply the same but the difficulty is easier from the first game where Power Stone 1 was a challenge to beat but the second one is fun to play as well.
Graphics and Sound- When I first saw the game from a friend who owned a Dreamcast the graphics havn't changed for the PSP version may look abit brighter. The levels for the game look well done and were the locations are set look simarlar from the 19th century but with more fantasy like old London or a location in Japan or flying airship.
If don't like the voicing for the charcters you can change the voicing to Japanese if your into Japanese games. But if you just want to play the game and not too fussed on voicing the music for the game is just simple to listen too during gameplay.
Overall- If you havn't played Power Stone either on PSP or Dreamcast you'll like the game if your into retreo games or your a Capcom fan and enjoy Capcom games like Monster Hunter or Mega Man series you'll like the Power Stone series.
The game also has multiplayer if you want to play with your friends or let your friend play the game with a friend who doesn't have a copy of Power Stone Collection. There isn't online for the game if you were wanting to play other gamers from around the world. There also a few mini games as well but I think you'll have more fun playing through Power Stone 1 and 2 alot.