So ya think you're smart huh? Prove it with PQ2!
GAMEPLAY - This is where it shines. A very simple and unique style, PQ2 tests your PQ by pitting you in in puzzles where you have many obstacles like blocks, police, detectives, and much more. You must get from point A to point B and each puzzle varies by difficulty. Some puzzles may seem impossible, but they are just challenging. Moving blocks the right way in the right place and making quick decisions is one of the key points to being a good PQer.
GRAPHICS - Not the worst and definitely not the best, PQ2's graphics are passable only because of it's simple gameplay. No real highlights to point out about them.
SOUND - A sort of simplistic tech vibe, the music is decent. It fits the game well to say the least but not one of the strong points of the game.
VALUE - Incredible value. There are about 100 levels in the game but it doesn't stop there. You can download levels from the PQ2 Network. Download either the weekly test or user created puzzles, which there are a ton of. You can also make your own levels and upload them for players to try out. Players can rate your levels based on how good it is. If it's really good, your level will appear on the top and more people will see it. It's amazing how much value this game has, there is a ton of content on the PQ2 network created by the PQ2 players around the world.
In conclusion, with a sleuth of PQ2 content on it's network it's a game that is definitely worth the money. If you are into the brainy puzzle games, PQ2 will surely scratch the itch.