Good improvement on the original!

User Rating: 8 | Intelligent License 2 PSP
Well I currently have a copy of this on rental and am enjoying it! I played the original game but it got boring after a while so I was looking forward to trying this out.

Simple - you are a little white man and you have to get to the light by moving blocks, blocking lasers, dodging cops, using teleports etc etc. In the main mode there are 100 puzzles that you have 5 hours to complete (autosaves after each on don't worry!!) that will tell you your "intelligence level". There are also some "quick" levels in various categories bringing the total number of puzzles to a pleasing 250. Then there are weekly downloads PLUS a "create your own" editor and the ability to post these on line for other to download, complete and rate.

Improvements on the last one:
Extra obstacles including the aforementioned teleport plus a new type of cop (dective) who, having come accross your path, follows you.
The on-line aspect.
Total number of puzzles in different categories
A "running total" on your "intelligence level" based on progress to date in the main event.

Best PSP puzzler to date IMO.

Thanks for reading and let me know if it was helpful or not please!