This game is indeed a great game, better then many games but it could have been made alot better then this.
the graphics are good aswel and so is the gameplay, but the storyline is just silly.
A predator goes on a hunt on earth in the old days, fails, is disgraced from clan, reclaims honour by killing the person who he failed to kill.
Now what you could have doneto ilke make the game's storyline,
Is for the predator to come on this planet in the old days, find some worthy prey and kill it,
then go back to ship and then go to other planets and hunt there,
then come back to earth in the next 500 years and then hunt in countries like, japan, china, parts of the middle east, africa, america and europe.
i understand it would be abit to big for the game at that time but you guys could make a game like that now and i seriously hope you make a big good game for requirm not some crappy game that backs up the goverment like it does in the film!.
im sure everyone is sick of things on this planet, everyone wants to explore other worlds so why dont you guys make games that allows you to explore other worlds and hunt there and so on.
You could have even made the Yautja a clan leader after so many hunts and kills and done loads of things.
This game has got some good stuff with it tho ill admit that, i love how the predator executes and does vocal copy thing, now that was just the first part of your genius! now make a bigger game and stuff i on ps3, you guys got like 10 GB on 1 blu ray disc so go and make a game worth that.