"-If it Bleeds...we can Kill it!"
"-It changed colors, like the chameleon, it uses the jungle."
"-You saying that Blain and Hawkins were killed by a phucken lizard?There's two to three men out there at the most.We just have to gun'em down!"
"-You're bleeding, man. You're hit."
"-I ain't got time to bleed."
"-I'm scared Poncho."
"-BS. You ain't afraid of no man. "
"- There's something out there waiting for us, and it ain't no man. We're all gonna die. "
"-Look, we've been looking for this place for months. My men were in that chopper when it got hit! Hopper's orders were to go in and get my men and he disappeared."
"-He didn't disappear. He was skinned alive!"
"-She's your baggage. You fall behind, and you're on your own."
"-You lose it here, you're in a world of hurt"
"-So you cooked up a story & dropped the 6 of us in a meat-grinder!What happened to you Dillon?You used to be somebody i could trust"
"-I woke up...why don't you?"
"-RUNNNN!!!!!!!!GO!!!!!!!!!!!GET TO THE CHOPPA!!!!!!!!!!"
"-You still don't understand, Dillon, do you? Whatever it is out there, it killed Hopper, and now it wants us."