Better than I thought it could ever be.
Prey feels like a really old game, especially since it lacks aiming down the sight. It really plays like a game from the late 90's or early 2000's, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. The guns you will come across look kind of silly, but are all variations of guns you have used in first person shooters forever. They have an organic look to them, and you have a variation of a shotgun, rocket launcher, machine gun, etc. A lot of the enemies can be taken down with a straightforward approach by just strafing left or right. You also get to fly shuttles a decent chunk of the game, and these crafts have equipped a tractor beam, and rockets. Unless you are flying through a gravity level these crafts fly pretty easily.
When Tommy dies in the game, you get taken to a spirit level, and you have a bow and arrows. You basically shoot blue spirits to build up your spirit gauge, and shoot red ones to refill your health. Also, you can go into spirit form practically anywhere in the game, this allows Tommy to pass through force field covered doors, walk across paths that are unattainable, and this usually culminates to just pushing a button.
Prey has some unique elements that not only enhance the game, but at times can infuriate a person's patience. This is the gravity levels, and is at times a little bit disorienting. Basically you shoot a green triangle shaped thing, and it flips you to what used to be the ceiling. This is used heavily in Prey, and is sometimes great, and others just a nuisance. Another thing that is kind of nifty is magnetic tracks that also allow you to do basically the same thing (kind of similar to Ratchet and Clank games).
The game still looks pretty good in 2012, character models have not aged so well, but I am judging this by 2006 terms of graphics. Environments and level design are a treat on your eyes throughout. Voice acting is about average for a game, nothing more, and nothing less. I thoroughly enjoyed my time playing Prey, and I think anyone looking for a different type of first person shooter would enjoy it also. You can pick this game up dirt cheap, as I got mine off of Best Buy used, and in like new shape for $4.99. The game is still an above average experience, and it contains originality that has been lacking in the genre for the past few years. For the achievement junkies out there you can get a 665 gamer score with one play through. Need I say more? Go check it out!