Ha, stick with Quake IV if you like Multiplayer, and stick with Half Life if you like single player.

User Rating: 5.2 | Prey (2006) PC
I have to say I was originally very excited about this game. The whole premise or idea of it sounded really cool. Once I down loaded the demo though all my optomism went right out the window.

To start with the single player is just to easy. Gamespots review hit the nail on the head there. Aside from that as Gamespot also said the weapons just in no way feel "fun" or "worthy" to be a top knotch FPS. I would prefer the weapons in Duke Nukem 3d over these anyday. In short if you are in this game for the story or single player, do yourself a favour and dont waste your time. Go buy another game. Also, the little gimmicks with the cool portals that allow you to see whats on the other side, all I have to say is "Who cares?!" Its cool the first 500 times you see it but after that you realise its just drawing your attention away from how bad the single player really is.

Multiplayer wise the game gets an even worse score from me. Now I will say its not JUST b/c of the game itself but b/c there are entirely better games out there to play if you just want Multiplayer action. I realise alot of people dont Like Quake IV, BUT if your interested in Prey chances are you were interested in Quake IV. Quake IV's weapons are so much more balanced out and the Multiplayer is so much smoother than Prey's. One last note on the multiplayer that I personally cannot stand (even though some of you might actually like) is the gravity beams. They are cool do not get me wrong. But the problem is, most multiplayer levels have way, way to many of them scattered all over the place. So in essence, with everyone everywhere it turns into a match of a bunch of people inside a 3d cube. This totally ruins the experience. I'm sorry I jusy think its to much. You can never totally appreciate the beauty or the greatness of any map b/c everything is everwhere. In other words ye ole saying "to much of a good thing" rings 100% true here. Stay away.

Graphics - They are good, I have to give that to the game. BUT they are only good in a "hardware" way. The actual design of things seems alittle cheesy. For that I have to drop the graphics from the 10 or 9 I would have given it to an 8

Gameplay - I have to give gameplay a 5, that is kind of generous in my mind b/c there is nothing in the gameplay I find enjoyable other then "spirit walking" but it is cool and it is fun so heres to a 5 for that

Sound - The sound is pretty decent. And for the awesome soundtrack at thr start of the game in the bar I have to give this an 8

Value - There is little to no value here unless your bored and just want something "new" to spend a few days on. I give it a 3

Reviewers Tilt - I was going to match up with value and give my tilt a 3 but I noticed that dropped the games average to 4.9 which put it in the poor catagory. This game is by no means poor, its just average run of the mill FPS. So anyway by raising my tilt to 4 it raised the total score for Prey to a justifiable 5.2 MEDIOCRE