Short but great single player campaign with a native american hero and spirit guide companion.
The game uses the old doom3 engine but has been heavily modified to incorporate huge environments as opposed to doom3's claustrophobic level design. The playing with gravity and portals are used quite well throughout the game, the spirit walking idea seemed underused and i only used it to get through forcefield doors to push a switch most of the time. There are a few other occasions where u need to use it, especially near the end but i cant help feeling more could have been done with it.
I liked the weapons in the game, some say there isnt enough variety but i i think theres more than enough, theres one weapon that shoots whatever you charge it with ( looks pretty impressive too especially when charged with plasma ), ie fire, frost, electricity and some kind of plasma.
The enemies look very good and dont have the plasticy look from doom 3, i wish there was a few more variety in the enemies but whats in the game are very good, i liked the idea of the spirit guide hawk named talon, he flies around with you attacking enemies to distract them, he can also translate the alien tongue and displays to english. I would have liked some interaction with talon, since you cant communicate with talon and he doesn't communicate with you which makes it difficult to care about your little companion, the reason for this is more clear near the end of the game.
The major downside to the game is the death penalty, there isnt one since you cant actually die. When you do die you are sent to the spirit realm to fight the dishonoured dead which are red and blue spirits which you need to shoot to replenish your health and spirit, the whole thing lasts for about 20 seconds and then you are sent back into the game exactly where you died, the damage you did to the enemy just before you died still counts which reduces the challenge dramatically. This means you dont really care about looking out for yourself since your basically indestructible.
This also means there are no adrenaline pumping moments in the game scared that your going to die.
The multiplayer was abit annoying for me on the 360, the lag in this game is a real killer, i guess it all depends on the person hosting the game, distance/bandwidth etc.
I only played some deathmatch, i enjoyed it when i wasnt lagging too bad, what makes this different from other deathmatch games is the portal and wall/ceiling walking. You really need to have your wits about you when playing.
In conclusion i fully recommend this game if only to follow the story, but for most this is just a rental only.