Without the expectations I found this quite entertaining. It's not a great FPS, but it'll keep you playing till the end.
Prey looks great. The game is very dark and grim. The nice graphics helps make the great atmosphere. The weapons also look great. They all look solid and feel okay though a bit weak. But something that ruins a lot of the fun in Prey is how the enemies react to gun shots. Cause they hardly react at all. And shooting at them with weak weapons, and just suddenly seing them fall to the ground isn't very saticfying. The sounds in Prey are quite good. The sound effects are especially good. The weapons sound good, and the enemies sounds like bad guys! The music on the other hand is generally very anonymous, though the main theme is good. The actors has generally done quite a poor job, though I like Tommy the main character. He reacts realistically to things and even pukes when the gravity starts changing!
Prey is mostly like the average first person shooter. Aliens come to take over the world, and you end up in their space ship. Your job is to kill them all, basically! Having said that, the story is actually quite good, cause it's so simply. It evolves a bit to much towards the end though. The only new gameplay elements in Prey is the portals and weird gravitation. You'll end up up side down and on the walls, and you'll run through portals as if there is no tomorrow, but it's not revolutionary. The game is also quite short, featuring around 10 hours of gameplay for most players. There is a multiplayer mode here too though, but that didn't really interest me. So... Prey ends up being quite entertaining, though I must say the flying pod vehicles are crap, it all rounds up as an okay FPS. +
Great graphics. Good sounds effects. Tommy is realistic and cool. The portals and gravitation is new thinking. The story is quite simple and cool, until you get to the end. -
The story end is lame. The weapons feel weak. The enemies respond badly to gun shots. Controlling vehicles is boring.