The developers did a good job at making a solid FPS but it just feels like a really good job has gone to waste
The game is fun for a while but does get repetitive, theres some good puzzles in the game, even though they do get repetetive some times, and the death mini-game is ok , but after you die for a while it just get's anoying and very repititious. The spirit walk thing is cool but not used to it's full potential, using grids instead of ladders was a cool idea and is used very well
The game looks great, it uses the Doom 3 engine and it's put to good use here, the framerate is good offline but can get downrite terrible online
The game has a good music score and the guns sound very good as well, there is also terrific voice work in the game as well
The game will take you from around 8-12 hours to beat it took me around 9 hours i believe and you can go through it again on cherokie mode but all that does is eliminate health packs. The online play is not that great it tries to go for a Quake 3 arena type of gameplay but doesn't really capitilize on it. There are only 2 game modes online, deathmatch and team deathmatch
The game is fun for about 2/3 of the way through, the puzzles get repetitive and the online play is pretty bad, but the story is pretty good but get's pretty crazy at some points
Overall: Overall you should probobly rent Prey, the single player campain is pretty lengthly and has it's moments but in games the online play is what keeps you coming back for more but unfortinately the game falls short in that aspect