Overall Prey is a good, fun experience that holds much of its potential untapped and is way to easy.
Another unique feature of Prey is Death Walk and Spirit Walk where Tommy, the hero of the game, can leave his body, in spirit form, to sneak ahead unseen. This started out good also but slowly faded away to the point of its only use was to get passed a force field and press a button to turn it off. Death Walk also seemed good at first as you didn’t lose progress after you die, but losing progress after you die is what makes these games difficult. Death Walk made this game so easy that if some enemies couldn’t fly you could beat the game with your pipe wrench.
The living environment was good but the only thing this added was an excuse for some hazards and weird walls. The weapons are all good but none of them are completely gratifying. You hit something with an explosion and they live they just keep coming, as oppose to being staggered. Shoot enemies with a machine gun they just stand there and shoot back without seeming to take damage until they die. Speaking of enemies, the AI is all right but for the most part the enemies are pretty dim.
The multiplayer is pretty standard, Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch, and only available via system link or Xbox Live.
The graphics are overly pretty descent throughout the game some textures could have used some polishing but that’s life. Also the frame rate never dropped even once, something that can’t be said for many games. Next, the sound. What can be said for the music, not much. When there is music it’s usually good enough and the opening music on the title screen is probably the best in the game. The voice acting is about as good as it can get, sure some parts sound corny, but blame that on the writers.
Now, as for the value of this game, it will probably take you 12 to 15 hours to play through. There is really no reason to play through a second time on the second, and only, other difficulty other than to get the achievement for it. Speaking of the achievements there are forty-four, and twenty-two of them will be obtained for completing each of the other levels, another for beating the highest difficulty, and the other twenty-one are for multiplayer purposes.
Overall Prey is a good, fun experience that holds much of its potential untapped and is way to easy.